American automation systems Benefits

Benefits of Buying American Automation Systems

If you are in the business of manufacturing, chances are you’ve been considering or already implementing automation into your product development. Robotics are a revolutionary set of tools that have majorly impacted our economy, and for good reason. There are endless benefits like cost, quality and efficiency.  These systems are a big deal all over the world, but we are going to discuss some factors of automated systems designed specifically in the US. But, before we dive into that, let’s talk about the overall benefits of automation and the effects it has on our economy. 

Benefits of Automation 

We are going to keep this brief, you likely already have heard of the many benefits associated with implementing automation. Here are just a few of the highlights to consider:

  • Improved quality 
  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Cost and resource optimization
  • Scalability potential
  • Increased accuracy and consistency

If you want to dive deeper into these factors, check out our blog on the benefits of automation here.

Economic Factors

With automation being on the rise all over the world, there is no doubt that it has been one of the largest contributing factors to our economic growth in recent years. Even now, the steady increase in our technological abilities does not seem to be stopping anytime soon. Artificial intelligence is becoming more intelligent, robotics are becoming more agile and automation is becoming more efficient. Luckily, the benefits for the manufacturing industry are going to continue to grow with our technology.

That being said, there are some economic changes to be expected with this growth. One of the big changes is that labor workers in manufacturing are going to need some new skill sets, and the roles of these workers are likely going to change. Businesses will need to be sure to create a positive and innovative culture within the manufacturing industry to encourage more growth as we push our limits. As the industry continues to grow, consider investing in automation so that you can grow with it. 

American Automated Systems

Finally to the part you have been waiting for. Why do we recommend businesses invest in American-made automated systems? 

  • Systems designed and made in the US are of high quality. Items made in America are often made with higher-quality materials which are also developed under strict guidelines and regulations. This ensures that the quality is worth the price.
  • If you are worried about the labor shortage, did you know you can help contribute? To buy products made in America, there have to be people employed to make them. By investing in American automated systems, you are helping recover our labor economy in the US.
  • There are many rules and regulations regarding pollution in America. This means that US manufacturing is often much better for the environment.
  • The US has strict labor laws, but many other countries that contribute to the automation industry aren’t as lucky. When you aren’t buying items made in America, you never know what you will be getting yourself into.

Want to Learn More?

If you are interested in automation, contributing to our economy or investing in American automation systems, we encourage you to seek more information! AMS is here to answer any questions you may have. Just contact us or book a virtual meeting to learn more.

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chris edwall

Chris Edwall

Chris Edwall is the vice president and general manager of AMS. He’s a process development expert, and he brings a wealth of management experience which he applies to team building, operations, marketing and growth. In addition to business savvy, Chris brings a BSEE and MSEE in electrical engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology, along with an MBA from Nova Southeastern University.