Automation ROI

If you’re considering adding automation to your operations, you no doubt have questions around the expense and the possible return on your investment. With this online ROI calculator tool, you can learn more about potential return for your organization.

Running the Numbers

Calculating the ROI on machine automation systems can be quite a challenge today, even for experienced business leaders. Half of the challenge is found in quantifying the true benefit of project options, especially in the sense of rapidly evolving technologies promising value in new and unfamiliar terms versus traditional methods.

That’s where our ROI calculator tool comes in. To use it, you should have a rough idea of your costs for:

  • Automation (purchase or lease)
  • Installation
  • Training
  • Maintenance and support
  • Downtime
  • Labor

Knowing your net benefits is also critical. Will you save resources based on:

  • Fewer labor hours?
  • A reduction in waste?
  • Increased operational efficiency?

Use Our Automation ROI Calculator

Beyond ROI

Keep in mind that while ROI is certainly useful, we have found additional tools that when used together or separately can give even better insight into potential projects. Using tools like these may provide much better indications of looming shortfalls or highly probable success.  

Take a look at these videos for even more ways to assess the value of automation to your operations. 

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We promise, it's not a sales pitch. We’ll discuss your product, goals, current process, timeline, expectations and more. Plus we'll see if we can help solve your challenges.